
2013-12-06 09:37 | ݋ԣδ֪
x1. be (verb.) Can such things be? @ӵ†? He is come. ѽ(jng) 2. come (verb.) Come here! @! He will never come to much (= will never be successful). ^ How did you come to be so foolish? ʲô

1. be (verb.)

Can such things be? @ӵ†?

He is come. ѽ(jng)

2. come (verb.)

Come here! @!

He will never come to much (= will never be successful). ^

How did you come to be so foolish? ʲô޴?

On what page does it come? һ?

3. do (verb.)

Will you do me a favour? ҂æÆ?

They do you very well at that hotel. Ǽ^պܵ

What"s doing over there? ߅ڸʲô?

4. get (verb.)

We can get 15 channels on TV. ҂տ15lҕ(ji)Ŀ

Do you get me? ҵ˼?

Ah! I’ve got you there! !@ҿy

5. give (verb.)

He gave me his cold. Ѹðoҡ

Sorry to have given you trouble. _

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight. Ůʿ׌TλBvߡ

6. go (verb.)

Go get a doctor. ȥt(y)!

How goes it with you? r?

There are six minutes to go. ߀

7. have (verb.)

May I have one? Խoһ?

Let"s have a talk. ۂՄһՄ

You have me, haven"t you? ҵ˼ˣ?

8. keep (verb.)

Does your watch keep good time? ıߵÜʆ?

Sorry to have kept you waiting. ׌õ

Does your school keep all day? ゃWУȫn?

9. let (verb.)

Let us pray. ׌҂\ɡ

The pair of rubber shoes let (in) water. @pzЬ©ˮ

The flat lets for 1500 yuan a month. @׹Ԣÿ1500Ԫ

10. make (verb.)

Make yourself comfortable. ՈS

What time do you make it? (What do you make the time?) 㿴F(xin)ڎc?

He made to go. Ҫˡ

11. put (verb.)

I put a question to him. һ}

What a way you have of putting things! @ôǘfԒ!

I put her at about 35. ҹӋ35q

12. say (verb.)

We mean what we say. ҂fԒ㔵(sh)ġ

What do these figures say? @Щ(sh)fʲô?

You may well say so. ȫ@ôf

13. see (verb.)

Watch and see how others do it. úÿ˼ôġ

See you. Ҋ!

Wait and see. ư

14. seem (verb.)

Be what you seem (to be). Ҫһ

It seems as if it is going to rain. 

I can’t seem to solve it right now. ҟo̽Q

15. send (verb.)

God send it may not be so! Ը@!

Send for the doctor, please. Ոt(y)

Please send the letter on to Tom. ՈŽoķ

16. take (verb.)

Be careful not to take cold. СIJҪ

Do you take me for a fool? Ԟɵφ?

Don’t take it so seriously. Ҫ@¿̫

һƪиZԆ} 쿼˼S

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